Has anyone besides me seen the new selca of YoonAh and her mystery friend. she looks like what would be celestially created if SeoHyun, SoYoung, and YoonHye were combined. Super cute! (Almost out doing Yoonie's doe-ism) If you can find her name or you are her, tell me as soon as possible and I will give you 2 free 'Snowy Kitten' brand shirts and a hat!
Girls' Generation just released their complete works video DVD package. Everything they ever did on film in your hands at your will. it is so amazing and amazingly awesome that, if we tried to give you a sample of what is in the package, the sites selling the packages would sue. Whoa! Go GG!
In other news, there has been a breach in the Jpop world with Tokyo Girls' Style releasing their remixed songs but the new song by Girls' Generation has not yet been debuted. There is no known reason to why TGSjp is breaking their planned hiatus and GG is holding a song to do one. This is a mystery that even the girl from 4th Period Murder Mystery couldn't solve in time. Wait and see!