Girls' Generation insiders say that, once the group heard about Tokyo Girls' Style and their blow-up concert, SNSD turned lolita! Kawaii desu ka?! Also, the auditions for my group LoliGeneration are going!
" If... I go completely transparent... don't forget what I look like, okay?"
This season, as we etch our way into the holiday of love, I would like to present the newest and most amazing story of survival and trail in manga history. (Sorry Astro Boy and Vampire Knight) This tells the irreplaceable tale of Shizuka Shiroyama and her supposed love Mamoru Tadami. Shizuka has a disease, known as Translucent Syndrome, where she goes translucent on certain parts of her body. This disease is well known and yet little have it, but there are no sickness symptoms or a cure. Though she has trouble seeing herself, Mamoru sees her clearly as she lives in fear of Fully Transparent Syndrome--- when the disease progresses to where she permanently disappears. They later find out that the disease ties to emotions. Happiness and love can make them almost to completely visible, but sadness can bring then back to constant translucent states until they become permanently transparent. With that, Mamoru makes it a mission in his own way to make Shizuka happy, developing more and more love for her.
The secret meaning to this story is that childhood is like Translucent Syndrome, where we isolate ourselves in sadness and show our true selves in our happiest of moments. With this story opening hearts to alot recently, though the final volume was released four years ago, many want this as a manga or movie and for it to be seen. For her to be seen.
Vote on which is better: "I love you" or "More Kiss"